
Reflections and Realizations - July 2022

Sullins Stuart - July 30, 2022

I must strive to live each moment with love, acceptance and compassion. There is truly no other choice if
I am to grow and evolve as a spiritual being.


The love and light of God effortlessly flows through me when I am present and fully awake.


I must focus less on the destination and more on the journey, for the journey is what occurs in the present moment and that is the only moment that truly exists. 


Every moment is a test of my spiritual being. 


When I send loving thoughts to those my ego judges, I find in that exact moment I judge them less.


Observe without naming.
Observe without judging.
Observe and just be.
Observe the illusory nature of our existence.


I find when I am present, I am at peace. The present is my refuge. The present is my monastery.


Don’t skim the surface of the daily events in your life. Experience each of them fully, with presence. No moment spent being present is ever wasted, yet look at how much time we spend not being present, stuck in the past or future. 

Half of the battle is becoming aware of the thoughts produced by the ego, the other half is not responding to or engaging them. 


In a higher state, we exist among the gods. 


Allow impressions to penetrate your heart and pierce your soul. Experience the true essence of the impression.


When we intentionally send love to others, we elevate all of humanity.


Live with intention, awareness and love and you will have lived well.


When I connect to my soul, I am free of the limitations imposed by my ego and I live freely, with love, compassion and forgiveness.


The illusion is not real, only the present moment is real, so be here now.


If I keep myself in good health physically, emotionally and intellectually, I find it easier to be present and see that the body can be of great service to my soul and to the work it must do in this incarnation.


I must allow what is on the inside (my soul) determine how I live on the outside (my life). 


The spiritual journey reveals that death is a natural occurrence, one that should not be feared, but prepared for. We prepare for death by living in the present. 


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